Wednesday, April 23, 2008

4th month checkup

Today was PJ's 4 month checkup. He had to get more shots which he was not too happy about. Unie had the day off, so we didn't get to see her at his appointment. :(

He weighs 16 pounds, 5 ounces and is 26 inches long!!! Dr. Judy said he is in the 75th percentile for height and weight!!! She also said that he is not overweight, and his height and weight are perfect for each other! That was good to hear! She also told us that we could try to give him rice cereal! He was less than pleased when I tried to give it to him because he was not used to it! He screamed all the way through. Hopefully the more he gets it, the more he will like it!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

1st boat ride- St. Marks

Today we went on the Hunter's boat with Mr. and Mrs. Hunter and Karen. It was PJ's 1st time on a boat and he had a blast! We went to St. Marks and Mr. Hunter drove very slow so he wouldn't scare the baby. The water was kind of choppy, so we didn't stay out very long.

On the way home, Karen drove with us, so I rode in the back with PJ. I was talking to him and tickling him, and then I heard it... HIS FIRST GIGGLE! He was laughing so hard at me... It was one of those belly laughs from deep down and completely melted my heart!

Friday, April 18, 2008


When I went in to peek at PJ this morning before I left for work, this is how I found him...

He rolled over in his sleep, so we missed his first time doing it!!! Regardless, I am proud that my sweet baby boy had yet another milestone!

Also, in other news, Suvali Parag Patel was born last night at 10:24 PM. She was 6 pounds, 14 ounces and 19 1/4 inches long. We went by TMH to meet her today!!! Pj is happy his friend is here safe and sound, and that Suvali's mommy and daddy are doing GREAT!