This Thanksgiving, Addisyn's 1st, we decided to make the drive down to South Florida to be with family so that James could enjoy dinner with us before going to Okeechobee to go hunting with my dad and brother Ryan. We don't usually travel on Thanksgiving, (considering one year it took us 18 hours to get home which was thankfully before PJ and Addisyn) but James really wanted to be able to go hunting, and I felt that since he does so much for us that he should be able to go do something for himself~get away with the guys for a "man weekend". I spent those 6 weeks before delivering Addisyn in a hospital where my every need, as well as, Addisyn's every need was taken care of. James, on the other hand, had it pretty hard- visiting me every night with an ever active toddler after working a full day and being the primary caregiver to PJ. He deserved this time to get away!!!
The kids and I did not lose out, though. We got to spend those several days with my nieces and nephews whom PJ just adores! They had a blast running around playing and I enjoyed some time with my sister-in-law Stephanie. Here are a few photos from our trip!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Happy Holidays from the Hartman Family!
Candy Boxes Christmas Card
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Friday, December 10, 2010
Halloween seemed to come and go quickly this year! PJ had an absolute blast trick-or-treating. He would go to each door, get candy, and then say, "Can we get MORE candy?!?!" He was so excited and we couldn't get to the next house fast enough for his liking! Addisyn did great riding around in her stroller, although she only stayed in her costume long enough to go to 2 houses! Here are some pictures from our fun Halloween weekend!
Our little punkin' with the pumpkin before carving it.
PJ loved digging in to the pumpking and getting the seeds out.
Addisyn just couldn't contain herself from all of the excitement of carving!The finished pumpkins- a spider and an owl
The kids eating their dinner
Jonathan loves Addisyn!
Best Friends!
Trying to get a picture of the kids while they were running around playing!
My little boxer
My sweet little girl
Halloween 2010
Halloween 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
The Cutest Pumpkins in the Patch!
Thank you SO much, Miss Betsy, for taking such wonderful pictures of my babies!
Betsy is an awesome photographer! You can see more of her work at
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Betsy is an awesome photographer! You can see more of her work at
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Monday, October 11, 2010
Rolling Over
Addisyn rolled over for the first time on October 3rd!!! I swear it seems as though it is all going by so much faster with her than it did with PJ. Here are a few photos of her showing off her new trick!
Addisyn's Story- Part 2
If you are just now joining me, you can catch up on the first part of Addisyn's story here.
... So I woke up on my first morning of being home on bedrest and did the usual... Headed to the bathroom to brush my teeth, etc. Immediately I noticed I was bleeding again and quickly called James to the bathroom. When I told him I was bleeding, his exact words were, "You have got to be kidding me!" He helped me get dressed, sat me down on the couch, and went in to get PJ up and dressed. We quickly got in the car and sped through all of the Monday morning traffic in a rush to Labor & Delivery triage. This car ride was mighty familiar to a ride I took on January 1, 2008~ a few weeks after PJ was born. I kept freaking out telling James that I couldn't feel her moving and that I was crampy. We called the nurses to let them know I was on my way and they met me downstairs with a wheelchair. They immediately got me back to a room, started IV's in both hands, and all at once it was deja'vu to just 8 days before. I anxiously awaited them to hook me to a monitor so I could hear the sweet swooshing of my baby girl's heartbeat. Once they confirmed everything was fine with Addisyn, and that the bleeding was under control, it all started sinking in... This time, there would be no going home until I was (hopefully) bringing my little miracle home with me. The same dr. was on call from when I had to be admitted just 8 days before, and she quickly called up to ACU to see if my same room was available. Luckily, it was, so that I didn't have to get adjusted to being in a different room. I stayed the night in L&D just so that they could ensure I was stable and then the following morning I was wheeled back up to my old room in ACU.
I spent the next 4 weeks there, living one minute at a time... not knowing when I would bleed bad enough where they had to rush me to the OR and deliver Addisyn.... not knowing whether or not I would take my sweet baby home with me, or if she would be stuck struggling and fighting in the NICU. The doctors had me on medicine to prevent all of these things from happening, and with each day that passed where I still carried her in my body, I was able to breathe a bit easier. As down as I got about things, the one thing that kept me going was the vision of the day that I would hold her in my arms, PJ sitting in my lap, staring at her lovingly and stroking her head of dark brown hair (that I just assumed she would have.)
I got through the days with the help of a very special group of women I "met" on a Bed Rest board on These women were in the same situation I was, although for different reasons. To say that a few of these ladies have impacted my life in such an amazing way barely even begins to touch the surface of how much they mean to me. They have become my forever friends and I will never be able to repay them for what they did for me. I am happy to say that all of them have already had their little miracles since Addisyn's birth and that all the Mamas and babies are happy, healthy, and thriving. During the day we would text, chat on Facebook, send eachother messages, talk about our fears, problems, issues, etc. We all connected in such a way that we held nothing back. The days flew by and I had night time visits from my boys to look forward to. I savored those few hours each night where me and the boys would eat dinner together, watch a few cartoons and go on my daily wheelchair ride. I would wait in the bed while James and PJ would go into the hallway to find a wheelchair. James would wheel it into the room with PJ sitting on it, smiling from ear to ear. He was so proud to bring me the chair to ride on. We would head downstairs to the parking area in front of the Women's Pavillion and take a few laps, PJ holding my hand and walking alongside me. When PJ had enough walking, and we began the trip up the elevator and back to the third floor, a lump would form in my throat. It was inevitable. Our visit was almost over. Every night, James would bring PJ to visit, and every night my heart broke as I watched them leave the hospital. As sorry as I wanted to feel for myself, I thought about what it did to them. My little boy thought his Mommy lived in a hospital. That feeling of my heart literally being torn from my chest as I heard him yell, "Bye Bye Mommy!" repeatedly as James took him towards the elevator, is a feeling I won't soon forget. My nurse Kelly would come in as soon as they would leave and embrace me with a huge hug and sit and chat with me for awhile until the tears stopped flowing. Then I would get back on the computer and chat with my bedrest ladies who would certainly cheer me up. At 11:00 it was shift change and another of my favorite angels, Sally, would come in to take care of me and Addisyn. We would listen to her heartbeat as we discussed our days. I felt like I was surrounded by family all the time!
The days seemed like they were going by faster and faster, and finally it was June 1st. Addisyn would be born the next day!
James stayed with me that night and we attempted to watch movies and eat ice cream up until I was NPO. My nurse Sally took my IV's out and let me go the night without them in. What an awesome feeling that was!!!
She came in at 5:30 am to wake me up to take a shower and get ready for the c-section. She put in my IV (which I prayed would be the last one I would have to have) and wheeled me down to Labor and Delivery where they began prepping me for surgery. They started by giving me fluids and an antibiotic through my IV in order to prevent infection. I also had to take an antacid because of all the medicine they would be pumping me full of, during and after the surgery. Then, we waited... and waited.... and waited.... and.waited... for what seemed like an eternity. The nurse finally came back in and said it was time to go. They actually let me WALK to the OR. Now, I know to most people that doesn't sound like anything special... but to someone who had been laying in a bed for 5 WEEKS, it was a huge deal! James had to wait in the original room they wheeled me down to. He would have to wait there until just before they began the surgery. The nurses, who had all taken care of me, were smiling and clapping as they watched me walk down the long hallway. It was almost like one of those movies you see where the person gets a standing ovation. I was grinning from ear to ear, walking hand in hand with my night nurse Sally. (Did I mention that she STAYED after working from 11pm at night until 7am the following morning just to be with me during the c-section???- Talk about amazing)
So anyway, I walk into the OR (which is nothing like on TV) and sit down on this table. Nurse Sally stood in front of me and told me to make a "C" with my back (just like they tell you to do with an epidural). The anesthesiologist pushed around on my spine and I felt a small pinch. Before I knew it, they told me to lay down quickly and all at once they were putting things on my belly, and the next thing I knew was there was a blue sheet in front of me. James finally came in and they were going to get started. I felt like I couldn't breathe... I found out later that it was because of the spinal block and how much they have to push everything around down there to get the baby out. If I felt nauseous, I told Sally who would tell the anesthesiologist who would give me something to quickly take it away. I remember hearing lots of noises and asking lots of questions... I kept asking Sally when she would be out. It seemed like it was taking forever!!! Sally told me that I would hear my water breaking, and then it would be really soon when I would hear her cry.... Sure enough I heard them break my water, felt a strong push and pull (not painful) and heard the sweet cries of my angel. Addisyn Lynn was born at 7:59am (just 14 minutes after I walked in to the OR) weighing 7 lbs. 6 oz. and measuring 19 1/2 inches. I could see them working on her just a few feet away from me and I kept asking if she was okay, and was she breathing alright, and would she have to spend time in the NICU. She was perfectly healthy, and I realized then that all the waiting, bed-resting, etc. was over. I was finally going to have my dream of leaving the hospital, holding my baby girl, walking hand and hand with my husband and son. It was over... But it was really just beginning!
Holding my sweet Addisyn for the first time!
The next few days were moments where I felt in and out of conciousness. We had lots of visitors, did lots of walking, and minimal sleeping. I was trying to rehabilitate my body and take care of a newborn. Our family also faced another challenge which was the passing of my husband's grandmother almost exactly 12 hours after Addisyn's birth. And so goes the circle of life.
Getting her hearing screening. Isn't this cute?!?! She looks like she is rockin' out to some good tunes!I remember laying in the hospital bed, smiling from ear to ear, and telling James how I just felt complete. I was so happy to be healthy and to have the rest of our family be healthy. On Friday, June 4th, we were released to go home to start our new lives as a family of 4!
PJ meeting his baby sister for the first time!
Just a few of the amazing nurses that took care of us!
Getting my pretty princess all dressed and ready to go home!
placenta previa
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Addisyn's Story- Part I
On April 24th (the weekend my family came up to surprise me) I had the most beautiful baby shower- complete with all things pink and girly- including a gorgeous cake that survived a 6 1/2 hour trip from South Florida, and wasn't eaten by anyone at my shower. (Well, maybe 1 person... but that's all). So here I was sitting on the floor with close friends and family around me holding up frilly lace dresses and gobs of pink and purple receiving blankets, and everything else we needed for our sweet baby girl. As I finished opening and admiring everything, and we all oooohed and ahhhhed it was time to cut that gorgeous cake. I went into the kitchen and all at once felt like something was terribly wrong... I excused myself to the bathroom and that's when I noticed it... I was bleeding... I immediately felt dizzy, and didn't even attempt to go to the bathroom. I stumbled back into the living room and felt like I was in some type of surreal parallel universe. Time was going very slow and I was searching everywhere for my sister-in-law. (who just so happened to be in the bathroom with my 3 year old niece Layci) I banged on the door and begged her to let me in... I am sure I must have been ghostly white when I blurted, "I'm bleeding." Her response, "What do you mean you're bleeding?" I couldn't find the words, so I just showed her... and I am pretty sure she turned as white as me....
***QUICK REWIND AGAIN BACK TO MARCH*** The Maternal /Fetal Medicine doctor had not yet diagnosed me with placenta previa, although at my gender ultrasound in January they noticed it was very low and close to my cervix. He, as well as, my regular OB/GYN warned me that if at any point I started to bleed that I needed to immediately head to the hospital, and fast...
*Fast forward back to my sister-in-law turning as white as me...*
I am pretty sure she called my aunt in the bathroom to check me out since she is an RN and I think I remember her saying we needed to go fast. I also remember walking back out and seeing all of my family and friends with concerned looks on their faces and me feeling like everything was swirling so fast around me. Stephanie (my sister-in-law- I know, same name- kinda confusing) said, "Steph's bleeding and we need to take her to the hospital now." I could not believe this was happening to me. I just kept saying "I am only 32 weeks, she's not ready. It's not time yet. This can't be happening." Somehow they put me in to Stephanie's truck, leaned my seat back and away we went. My mom was in the backseat along with my 2 nieces (who were terrified). I will never forget Layci asking all kinds of questions: "Did Aunt Tes cut herself? Does she need to get some medicine on it?" I was trying my hardest to stay calm and not cry for the sake of Savannah and Layci, and of course, for the sake of my unborn Addisyn. I told my sister I couldn't feel her moving... and she held my hand the whole way there. My cousin Sheena called L&D triage and let them know I was on the way and what my condition was. When I got there and went upstairs there was a man at the front desk waiting for me and he asked my name. Faster than I even finished saying it, he was walking me back to a room in labor and delivery with a team of 3 nurses follwing right behind him. Within 5 minutes I had IV's in both hands and the nurses seemed to be rushing around me asking all types of questions as though they were getting ready to take me back and deliver immediately. It seemed like an eternity before they hooked me up to the monitor and I heard that sweet thud of my baby girl's heartbeat. The on call dr. came in and checked me out... The bleeding stopped and I was going to be admitted and on bedrest. The Maternal/Fetal Medicine doctor came in and did an ultrasound and verified that everything was ok with her measurements, that the placenta was working okay and that I wasn't losing any amniotic fluid. They gave me the first round of steroid shots to help mature Addisyn's lungs (just in case), followed by a second round 24 hours later. I spent that entire week in a hospital bed, only able to get up to use the bathroom and take a quick shower. The second day I was there, my nurses and I got to enjoy the amazingly delicious cake. I had the best nurses and was even reunited with the nurse who helped deliver PJ! After 8 days, and no more bleeding, my doctor decided I could go home, but still be on strict bedrest. So on May 2nd, at around 1:30PM I went home... The whole car ride, I felt sick.... nervous.... worried.... I just had this uneasy feeling and part of me wanted to beg James to turn back around so I could be back in the comfort of my hospital room with trained nurses and doctors close by just in case something went wrong. I remember calling my family when I said they discharged me... the verdict was pretty unanimous~ they were very uneasy with me going home, too. As James, PJ, and I continued our drive I remember every bump making me feel even more anxious than the last. We finally pulled in to the driveway, and I went immediately to the couch. For the next few hours, I sat on the couch, only got up to use to bathroom or go lay in my bed. I had a very hard time falling asleep, but finally was able to around 2am. At 7am I woke up to the sound of James' alarm clock... I was getting ready to start my first day home alone on bedrest... or so I thought... (to be continued...)
***QUICK REWIND AGAIN BACK TO MARCH*** The Maternal /Fetal Medicine doctor had not yet diagnosed me with placenta previa, although at my gender ultrasound in January they noticed it was very low and close to my cervix. He, as well as, my regular OB/GYN warned me that if at any point I started to bleed that I needed to immediately head to the hospital, and fast...
*Fast forward back to my sister-in-law turning as white as me...*
I am pretty sure she called my aunt in the bathroom to check me out since she is an RN and I think I remember her saying we needed to go fast. I also remember walking back out and seeing all of my family and friends with concerned looks on their faces and me feeling like everything was swirling so fast around me. Stephanie (my sister-in-law- I know, same name- kinda confusing) said, "Steph's bleeding and we need to take her to the hospital now." I could not believe this was happening to me. I just kept saying "I am only 32 weeks, she's not ready. It's not time yet. This can't be happening." Somehow they put me in to Stephanie's truck, leaned my seat back and away we went. My mom was in the backseat along with my 2 nieces (who were terrified). I will never forget Layci asking all kinds of questions: "Did Aunt Tes cut herself? Does she need to get some medicine on it?" I was trying my hardest to stay calm and not cry for the sake of Savannah and Layci, and of course, for the sake of my unborn Addisyn. I told my sister I couldn't feel her moving... and she held my hand the whole way there. My cousin Sheena called L&D triage and let them know I was on the way and what my condition was. When I got there and went upstairs there was a man at the front desk waiting for me and he asked my name. Faster than I even finished saying it, he was walking me back to a room in labor and delivery with a team of 3 nurses follwing right behind him. Within 5 minutes I had IV's in both hands and the nurses seemed to be rushing around me asking all types of questions as though they were getting ready to take me back and deliver immediately. It seemed like an eternity before they hooked me up to the monitor and I heard that sweet thud of my baby girl's heartbeat. The on call dr. came in and checked me out... The bleeding stopped and I was going to be admitted and on bedrest. The Maternal/Fetal Medicine doctor came in and did an ultrasound and verified that everything was ok with her measurements, that the placenta was working okay and that I wasn't losing any amniotic fluid. They gave me the first round of steroid shots to help mature Addisyn's lungs (just in case), followed by a second round 24 hours later. I spent that entire week in a hospital bed, only able to get up to use the bathroom and take a quick shower. The second day I was there, my nurses and I got to enjoy the amazingly delicious cake. I had the best nurses and was even reunited with the nurse who helped deliver PJ! After 8 days, and no more bleeding, my doctor decided I could go home, but still be on strict bedrest. So on May 2nd, at around 1:30PM I went home... The whole car ride, I felt sick.... nervous.... worried.... I just had this uneasy feeling and part of me wanted to beg James to turn back around so I could be back in the comfort of my hospital room with trained nurses and doctors close by just in case something went wrong. I remember calling my family when I said they discharged me... the verdict was pretty unanimous~ they were very uneasy with me going home, too. As James, PJ, and I continued our drive I remember every bump making me feel even more anxious than the last. We finally pulled in to the driveway, and I went immediately to the couch. For the next few hours, I sat on the couch, only got up to use to bathroom or go lay in my bed. I had a very hard time falling asleep, but finally was able to around 2am. At 7am I woke up to the sound of James' alarm clock... I was getting ready to start my first day home alone on bedrest... or so I thought... (to be continued...)
placenta previa
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