What a crazy week it has been! I hadn't been feeling right physically for a few weeks... On New Year's Eve( My Sissy's birthday), we celebrated with Granddaddy Hartman and Penny. The Noles were playing in the Music City Bowl, and the boys were all dressed up for the occasion...
We rang in the New Year by watching the ball drop at midnight... Made phone calls to family and friends, and then went to bed. Granddaddy Hartman and Penny left on the morning of the 1st, so James, PJ and I just laid on the couch, watching football, etc.
I got up to go to the bathroom and when I sat down on the toilet, I began pouring blood out of me... I felt all these clots coming out as well. I got up and put a pad on, and within 5 minutes, it was SOAKED in blood. We called Unie immediately who called the Women's Pavilion and told them I was hemorrhaging and that we were on our way. James quickly got the baby ready, and we all got in the car. I remember talking to my brother, sissy, mom, and mamaw... I told them what was happening and they were all freaking out. I think my sister called Sheena and Sheena came to the hospital to watch the baby while I was seen my the doctors...
James dropped me off at the front of the Women's Pavilion so I could go up to triage, and he could park the car. I got in the elevator and hadn't even realized I was trailing blood behind me. People had a look of horror when they saw the blood on me, and I now realize they must have thought I was losing a baby...
They immediately brought me back to triage and began IV's, checking me etc. One of the nurses gave me a new pad, and when she came in less than 5 minutes later, had asked me why I hadn't changed out of the old one... I told her that it WAS the new one she had just given me... Then Dr. Rosenburg rushed in, check me, and got the ultrasound machine. She saw what they thought was a retained placental fragment and told me that they needed to do a D&C to clean everything out. She also told me that I had lost a lot of blood and that I might possibly need a transfusion. The worst part was when she said I might have to have a hysterectomy if they couldn't get the bleeding to stop. Sheena came in so I could give PJ a kiss before I went into surgery.. All I kept thinking is, "God has a plan for me. I have a beautiful baby boy already.. if I lose my uterus, at least I have him..." When the anesthesiologist came in, he asked me what I had eaten recently. I told him I had a small piece of cake that morning. He then gave me some more bad news... I could not have anesthesia for fear of me aspirating... so instead I got a spinal block and was awake the whole time.
When they wheeled me into the room, my whole body was shaking... It was freezing, and they started to try to strap my arms down... For fear of having a panic attack, the nurse held my arms instead and made sure I was so comfortable. I heard the roaring of the machines, felt people rushing around all sides of me... Felt them doing something to my legs, and heard Dr. Rosenburg giving orders on ways to stop my bleeding... I finally heard the words, "That's better...." A feeling of relief swept over me, because I knew that meant I had stopped bleeding, and that I still had a uterus. They had to send what they got out off to pathology, but I heard the anesthesiologist say, "Should we give that piece of placenta apgar scores?" I will never forget that...
The nurse that brought me to recovery was awesome! She cleaned me up, and made sure I was comfortable. I wanted to see PJ so badly! I remember feeling like I couldn't breathe, so she put me on some oxygen to help me out... Once my breathing got under control, I was taken to the L&D room. Sheena and PJ came in and I was so happy to see him and hold him!!! James went home to get our things, since we would be staying a few more nights and Sheena and the baby stayed with me. It was such a blessing that she was there and helped out so much, given the fact that she had 2 of her own at home!
For the next few days I was constantly being poked and prodded, and given SO MANY antibiotics for the horrible infection I had in my uterus. By the time I left, I couldn't move my hands and they were covered in bruises! That was definitely an experience I was happy to put behind me.
I am just so blessed with a wonderful husband, and friends and family that love me and would do anything for me... I could never have gotten through this experience without them!
All in all, I would still do it all over again, the exact same way, just to have my little man!!!