*He is 40 lbs. and 41 3/4 in. long. He is in the 80th percentile for weight, and the 79th percentile for height. *He has been completely potty trained for about a year, and at night time for about 6 months. Night time is what took the longest for him, but now that he gets to wear big boy underwear like Daddy, he hasn't turned back.
*He wears a 4T, but can still wear a good bit of 3T stuff. He wears a size 10 shoe.
*He eats everything, and definitely has his mommy's sweet tooth.
Now on to the big boy bed...
Yesterday was PJ's actual birthday, and we started off the day with a surprise... his BIG boy bed! Sunday night we told him that he could camp out in Mommy and Daddy's room, and he thought nothing of it. He came out a couple of times, but after some convincing, he finally fell asleep. James quickly got to work converting his crib into a full size bed, while I got the new bedding in the washing machine and began preparations in the playroom for his second surprise. Once everything was done, we got the bed made, and all set up for the big reveal!
While I finished reorganizing the playroom, James got to work on the next project- building the new play kitchen! Once he finished, we got it all set up in it's new spot!
I woke up SO excited to show PJ his surprise! I grabbed his hand and we walked toward his room.(quickly so he didn't spot the new kitchen since I wanted both kids to see it together) We got about to the door and he said, "Cool bed! Where is my surprise?" He had NO idea it was HIS! I told him it was his new bed, and his face lit up, and he ran and
Since it was a bit earlier than he needed to be up, he snuggled under the covers to watch cartoons until James was done getting ready for work.
He spent the day at school, and when I got off work, I rushed to get Addisyn and then headed to his school to do cupcakes with his class.
Everyone in his class sang to him, and he loved every little minute of it!
When we left his school, we headed home to see the next surprise....
Addisyn refused to take her eyes off of it to take a picture, which was no surprise to me!
Here she is heating up pizza in the microwave.. lol
...and getting some coffee ready for Mommy...
...and filling up her water cup...
We played for a bit longer, until James got home, and then we got ready to go eat at Chik-Fil-A as requested by the birthday boy. We decided we would go to the one at the mall because PJ wanted to see Santa... no such luck there because it was bring your dog night, and the line was too long. PJ was upset because he wanted to tell Santa it was his birthday. I assured him that Santa already knew, and that we would come back in a few days to see him.After we ate, we took the kids to play at the playground for a bit, and ended our birthday celebration with some ice cream.
On the way home, PJ asked if he could just go straight to bed and not take a bath. I thought my ears had deceived me!!! Let's hope that going to bed at night will continue to be this easy!!! ;-)
After he got his bath, (OF COURSE I MADE HIM TAKE A BATH! A day at school and the mall playground?!?! No way he was getting in his new bed without one! ;-) ) he settled into bed and let his sister check out his new digs!
Once Addisyn was in bed, I snuggled up with him for a few minutes and we talked about his day.
Me: Did you have a good birthday?
PJ: Yes! It was cool!
Me: What was your favorite part?
PJ: When you came to school with my cupcakes and everyone sang to me! What was your favorite part Mommy?
Me: Watching you smile, and spending time together as a family.
PJ: I liked that, too, Mommy.
Sweet dreams, my big boy.
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