Sunday, September 30, 2007

James + Stephanie= PJ

We had our 4D ultrasound on Friday. Everything looks great! I can't say that I will ever get a 4D again, but it was a cool experience. Actually watching it on the screen is better than the pictures you get to take home. We saw his every little movement... opening and closing his mouth, sticking his tongue out... The part that made it the most worthwhile was that the tech. did a full look over of all his parts, and said that he is very healthy!!! He is getting so BIG... He was 2 1/2 pounds! So now today officially starts the 3rd trimester. I am getting so anxious for him to get here. After seeing him on that monitor on Friday, I just can't wait to hold him! :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.