Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Addisyn- 18 months!!!

How in the world can Addisyn be 1 1/2?????? Today was her well check-up, so I waited to post this until I had her updated stats.
* She weighs 26.8 lbs, and is 31 in. tall. (At her 15 month visit, she was 24 lbs. 1.5 oz. and 29 1/2 in.)
*She is currently in the 80th percentile for weight, and the 26th percentile for height
*She currently wears a size 4 diaper and is wearing 12-18 month clothes and size 5 shoes. She is showing a bit of interest in potty training- mostly by saying "peepee" or "potty" and grabbing her diaper. Occasionally she will run to the bathroom and want to sit on the potty for a few minutes. She has yet to actually go.
*She eats just about everything, and I can't think of 1 thing that she really dislikes
*She sleeps through the night but every now and then, on a rare occasion, will wake up screaming. She goes to bed around 8, and wakes up between 7:30-8. (even if she goes to bed late :/ )
*She runs everywhere, climbs everywhere, and is in.to.every.thing.
*She plays nice most of the time, but has been biting her friends at daycare... and on occasion Mommy and PJ. This is a new thing for me, because PJ didn't bite. I am hoping this phase will end quicker than it came. She also swats at PJ (and probably her daycare friends, too) if she wants something, or if someone tries to take something she has.
*She is definitely in a Mommy stage, although she still goes to Daddy (as long as I'm not around). She does not like men, and tends to run the other way and wrap herself around my legs if a man is approaching.
*She loves her pow pow (pacifier) in the car and at bed time. She also loves when I rock her and sing the "Rocky Do" song. I sometimes catch her singing it to her baby dolls.
*She says all kinds of things, and can put words together. Some things I hear the most lately are: have it, stroll (stroller), happened? (what happened), saw-wee (sorry), Milt (milk), water, snack, more please, PJ, are you? (where are you?), No (gotta love that), Betsy, her daycare friends' names:  Toby (Koby), Lijah (Elijah), Addey (Adley), Rachel, (I have heard her say Madison before, too, although I can't remember how she says it) no bite (insert name here), play outside, shoesies, Up-e-down (when she wants to be picked up or put down), hold you, peep-eye (peekaboo), when she sees a baby, she says- "Hiiiiii baby", Reesey (our dog), get down
I know there are a ton more, but those are the ones that stick out right now.
*She adores her big brother. She wants to do everything he does, and be everywhere he is. It is so cute!

Here are some more recent pictures of her:

Before I know it, she will be 2! Slow down, baby girl!

1 comment:

Kendal said...

Such a big girl!! <3