Saturday, December 29, 2007
Thursday, December 27, 2007
2 week check-up
Here were the guesses:
Mommy- 7 pounds, 10 ounces; 20 inches long
Daddy- 8 pounds, 1 ounce; 20 3/4 inches long
Mimi- 8 pounds even; 20 1/4 inches
AND THE WINNER IS... (Drum Roll please......)
MOMMY!!!!!!! He is 7 pounds, 11 ounces and 20 inches long. I was only 1 ounce off!!!
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Going home...
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
DECEMBER 12, 2007- The best day of my life
Marie, James and I played cards while every 30 minutes Karen would come in and turn up the drip. I sat on a birthing ball and was out of bed as much as possible because I knew once I asked for an epidural, I would be bed-bound. As the contractions began to get stronger, James would sit behind me and rub my back as I tried my best to remember all the breathing techniques I'd learned from the childbirth class we had taken the week before. (Nothing like waiting until the last minute, huh?) Around 12:30 Dr. McKinnie came in to check my cervix. (We were really fortunate that she was the on-call dr. that day and would be able to deliver PJ) Those birthing balls really do work.... I was dialated 4 cm and completely thinned out. Up to this point I needed no pain medication and I was so proud of myself for dealing with it all. Since I had made such good progress she decided to break my water... WOW! I went from 0 to 60 in a matter of seconds. As soon as I felt that warm fluid, I also felt the most intense pains I have ever felt in my life. Karen told me to tell her when I was ready for an epidural.... James helped me get through that contraction, and I told him he better get the nurse cause I was not going through one of those again... When Karen walked in, my words to her, verbatim, were, "Hell to the naw. I need an epidural!" Off she ran to get the anesthesiologist. She came back with him in under 2 minutes! I signed the consent and next thing I know, the bed is being raised super high and he is getting everything ready. I had another contraction during this time, and James was so great at helping me get through it. I rounded my back, and held on to James as the anesthesiologist told me everything he was doing. Lots of pressure... but no pain... He told me that he was going to send a test dose through the catheter to make sure it was in right, and that I was probably going to feel really itchy starting at my toes, and slowly moving upward. He assured me that this was NOT an allergic reaction... BAM! Medicine goes through and instantly my body relaxed and I was pain free. Epidurals are heaven sent, and now I definitely see why they are so worth it!!!! I laid down in the bed and felt so relaxed I shut my eyes for a few brief moments... My mom and dad got there shortly after I got my epidural. I bet they were happy they didn't have to deal with all the contractions/epidural stuff!
When you get an epidural you have to flip around to different sides so that the epidural numbs everywhere, and not just in one spot. I laid on my back for a bit, flipped to the right, flipped to the left and WOAH! What the heck was that! I told my nurse that my body felt like it was starting to push... She decided she would check me, and oh my goodness, I was 7 cm. I dialated 3 more cm in about an hour! A short while later, the urge to push got even stronger... She checked me again and I was 9 cm! She began to prep everything for PJ's arrival. I couldn't believe it was happening so fast. At around 3:30 she checked me again and I was 10cm... ready to push!!! HERE WE GO!!!!!
I felt like I was pushing for an eternity... everyone was so great though! After about an hour an a half of hard pushing- with James, mom, dad, Marie, and Sheena by my side, and my sissy on the phone- at 5:08 pm on December 12, 2007 Patrick James Hartman was born.
I got to hold PJ for about an hour before they took him to weigh him and bathe him. During that time I probably counted his fingers and toes a hundred times. I tried to nurse him, but from all the excitement he wasn't hungry just yet.
PJ getting all checked out by the nurses and just before getting his bath.
Our wonderful nurse Karen holding PJ after his bath
We stayed in the Labor and Delivery room for probably close to 3 more hours while the epidural wore off. We finally got moved to our Mother/Baby room around 8PM. The night was kind of rough because it was a little difficult to get up and move around. You don't realize how sore your muscles are from twisting your body in ways you didn't know were possible while in labor, especially when you have an epidural and you don't feel your leg nearly wrapping around your head...But oh boy, it hits you later on. It was like that first soreness you get when you start working out again- the one that takes you 3 or 4 days to get over- only this soreness was 20 times worse. I also had a lot of bleeding, so all night long nurses were coming in to push on my belly and make sure there were no clots... None of those things mattered though... I was so happy!
I don't think I ever slept that night because I was in complete awe of the little miracle I had just given birth too...
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The beginning of my birth story...
Within minutes, Dr. McKinnie had some paperwork for us and we were on our way to Labor & Delivery. Walking into the building was surreal... I knew that the next time I walked out of there, and the next time I got into my car, PJ was going to be with me. We got upstairs and gave the lady at the desk our paperwork. I had been there so many other times that there was nothing for us to fill out... nothing for us to do except sit and wait for a room.
What seemed like 3 days (but was probably only 30 minutes) passed and a sweet nurse by the name of Karen called us back. She brought us to our room, and gave me the hospital issued stylish nightwear (AKA hospital gown), hooked me up to the monitors, and then started the induction at about 7pm. She inserted Cervadil behind my cervix and said I had to keep it in for 12 hours to thin out my cervix to get it ready for the next day. James, Marie and I chatted for a while and watched tv. I finally asked for something to help me sleep since I knew the next day would be a long one... I drifted off to sleep, and before I knew it... it was morning!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Calm & Bright....
Full term baby in my belly.... CHECK! Now if only he could just hurry up and get here... I have a feeling it will be happening sooner rather than later... STAY TUNED!
Monday, November 26, 2007
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Sunday, November 18, 2007
It's almost turkey time!
This weekend James had to study for his CPA exam (which means we didn't get to spend any time together), and so I am excited that he is almost done with it so we can spend more time together since it is getting so close to our due date. Because of the second trip to L & D a few weeks ago, and because they had to stop the contractions once again, we can't travel down to south Florida like we originally had planned for Thanksgiving. So we are looking forward to just spending the day at home-cooking, and decorating for Christmas- together- just he and I. We realized that this will be the last holiday that it will just be the two of us... which is perfectly fine... but at the same time we want to take full advantage of that time.
I still need to blog about both of baby showers... the one down south on October 27th and the one up here on November 10th and I promise I will get around to it and post pictures. They were both so wonderful and PERFECT. I don't have any other words to describe them...Things have just been crazy cause I am in super nesting mode and trying to get everything in order for when PJ decides to come. Now that I am past the 34 week mark, they won't stop the contractions again... so reality has set in that he could come at any time.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 15, 2007
Time for an update!
School has been hectic, (what else is new?) but last week I got a little break. I attended the annual FCTM (Florida Council for Teachers of Mathematics) conference. Last year I went with one of my closest friends at school, and this year we were able to go together again. To be honest, that kind of break from the classroom is just what I needed! We attended different math workshops and learned some new ways of teaching our students math. It was definitely interesting and relaxing at the same time. The beds at the Marriott where we stayed were SO comfortable! (and we actually stayed in bed past 5:30 which is our usual wake up time!) By the time the trip was over I was definitely ready to get home. I missed James terribly. I mean, don't get me wrong, I always miss him when he is not with me, but it was just so different this time being away from him and being pregnant. I would talk to him before I went to bed each night, and on the first night after expressing how much we missed eachother, he told me something so sweet and so TRUE... He said, "Just remember, you are never alone. Part of me is with you right now, too" (meaning PJ of course) It is amazing to think that he and I made this perfect little boy TOGETHER! OK, back on track... so Lashay and I went to the mall and ate at PF Changs while we were there. We felt totally pampered and relaxed when we left! We got back around 11 AM on Saturday morning and I basically did nothing the rest of the weekend... I was having some slight cramping so I just tried to rest.
Fast forward to today... I went into work, still feeling crampy with lots of pressure. James had actually taken the day off to study for part 3 of his CPA test which he takes tomorrow. He kept telling me to call in so that we could go to the Dr. to be sure everything was ok, but I HATE calling in. I would rather show up, get things together, and have them get someone to cover my class. So I told the secretary that I needed someone to cover my class... I began to teach reading and the pressure felt like it was getting worse, so I got the kids started on an independent assignment. My principal came in to check on me, and said someone would be in there shortly. Luckily my FSU student was there today and was able to teach the kids. At 9:00 someone came in to take over for the day and I headed home. James called the Dr. while I was on my way and by the time I got home, he was dressed and ready to take me to triage. Luckily my dr. was the one on call so I was going to get to see her while I was there. We got all checked in and they hooked me up to the heartbeat monitor and the contraction monitor. Of course PJ was just kicking away and even got the hiccups! The nurse noticed on the contraction monitor that I was having slight cramping/contractions so Dr. McKinnie came in and checked my cervix... COMPLETELY CLOSED... I am 30% effaced which she said is normal for 30 weeks... and she did a swab test to see if I would go into labor in the next 10-14 days which came back negative!!! The nurse came in and gave me a shot to stop my uterus from contracting and within in a few minutes, the cramping was gone but I felt like I just drank 20 venti espressos from Starbucks. Definitely not a fun feeling! Shortly after that they let me go home and said everything was fine and told me some things to monitor. I was NOT in preterm labor which is what we wanted to hear! They say that your uterus contracts all throughout pregnancy and some women are more prone to feel those contractions. (Guess I'm one of the lucky few!) So now I am just resting for the remainder of today and tomorrow will be back to the grind of work!
Less than 2 weeks until I go down south for my baby shower with the family, and I can't wait, especially since I know PJ is going to be in there until it is time for him to come! :o)
Sunday, September 30, 2007
James + Stephanie= PJ
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Wonderful Weekend!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Saturday, September 15, 2007
The baby's room is ready for furniture!
Friday, September 14, 2007
I'm still alive!!!!
Friday, August 10, 2007
Becoming a Mother...
Sunday, July 29, 2007
It's a...
Sunday, July 22, 2007
18 weeks and my belly POPPED!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Pregnancy is a weight loss plan!
I have tons of pictures from all of my trips, but have not put them on the computer yet, so I will get to that ASAP and share what I have been up to since going MIA! :-)
Saturday, June 23, 2007
School finally ended.. THANK GOODNESS! I was so happy to leave my classroom behind for the summer and have a chance to REST before the baby comes! Unfortunately that hasn't happened yet!
My mom came up on June 2nd, and we celebrated James' birthday on the 3rd. We cooked his favorite meal- stuffed shells, and enjoyed a turtle cheesecake for dessert. At this point I was still in the first trimester and SUPER SICK, so I don't think I enjoyed it as much as he did!!!!
On June 4th, we had another Dr. appointment (the reason that my mom came up) and got another ultrasound:
So there is Baby Hartman at 11 weeks and 1 day. If you look at where I circled the baby, on the left you can see both feet in the air. On the right, is the baby's face looking forward with a hand on either side. The technician showed us 2 arms and 2 legs, we saw the heart beating away, and this time James got to hear the heartbeat, too. The baby was just moving all around, and I seriously think it was the coolest thing I have ever seen. My next appointment is on July 2nd, but I won't get another ultrasound until July 27th when WE FIND OUT WHAT THE BABY IS! :-)
So after the excitement of the Dr. appointment, I went down south with my mom, where thought I would sleep in, take lots of naps, and just relax... HAHAHA! I helped my sister in law with the kids, and actually ended up going to bed late, waking up early, and taking not ONE single nap the whole time I was there. I got to experience what life might be like with 4 kids (including a toddler, and a newborn) and now I completely understand when my sister says, "I'll call you back." and then I never hear from her for at least a few days. I loved every minute of being down there, though! It is always great for me to spend some time with my family, although I missed James like crazy!
Then my mom and I headed back to Tallahassee on the 17th of June, woke up on the morning of the 18th and attended a writing workshop together (which was also my birthday) and then celebrated my big 26th at the Melting Pot that night! :-) It was a lot of fun! My mom left the next day, and I went to a math workshop the rest of the week!
So now, it is the first time I have had to sit and gather my thoughts (with my new laptop that my dad got me for my birthday). I am officially out of the first trimester, although my appetite has not returned yet. As of yesterday, I have lost 13 pounds since finding out I was pregnant, but my belly has definitely started to pop! :-)
It is finally the weekend, and James and I plan to work in the garden he made for us, and I definitely plan to rest, because next week is full of workshops again!!! :-)
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Being Pregnant!
With that said, I wouldn't change it for the world. Annoying? Yes... Can I deal with it? Absolutely!
James went canoeing with some buddies this weekend... He left this morning and I miss him already. He kept asking if it was alright, and said he wouldn't go if I didn't want him too.... but we both know that after the baby comes, there won't be many trips like that. I think I would be okay with it if I could call him if I wanted, but he leaves his phone in the truck because last time one of the guys rolled their canoe over and everything went into the water... including their cell phone.
So now I am just trying to find something to do to occupy me.... I have grad school stuff to do, and I should get started on that. I have tons of pictures I want to upload to Flickr, and lots of things on my creative to do list...
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
April ATC- A World in Bloom
I had to go to a specialist on Monday because I come from Jewish decent. I am very low risk since I am only 1/2 Jewish, and since James is not Jewish at all. That means that our baby has a 1 in 64,000 chance of having something wrong. I figure I would get the tests done anyway to make sure I am not a carrier of any disorders, and this way I can tell my kids when they get older and have their own kids!!! The best part about this appointment on Monday was the fact that I got to have another ultrasound!!! The baby had grown the appropriate amount, and I even got to HEAR the heartbeat!! It was the most beautiful sound I have ever heard! :-)
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Sickness, stress, and love
I missed a whole week of school from being sick.... the 3rd nine weeks just ended, and last week was Spring Break... Those 2 events mean 1)report cards and 2)lesson plans. My report cards are due tomorrow afternoon, so I came home after school today thinking I could work on them from home, right? WRONG!!!! I have tried to log in 5,000,000 times and each time it won't work... it goes right back to the log in screen!!!!!!! So now I am going to have to somehow finish them tomorrow morning because there is no way I am leaving my house right now to go back up to school to finish them. When i got to school this morning, I had no idea what I was going to do with my students. I basically gave them busy work all day just so that I could get through the piles of papers on my desk from the week I was out. I am definitely not a "busy work" kind of teacher. I also got a new student today from England. I felt horrible just giving the kids busy work... I don't want her to think I am a boring teacher, but I also had to get things ready for her!
On a lighter note, I spent the last 4 days in Tupelo, Mississippi... the birthplace of Elvis Presley. My cousin got married and I was a bridesmaid. The wedding was wonderful and they were so happy and in love! I love watching 2 people in love... What I love more than that, however, is watching my husband watch people in love. On our wedding day, when I walked down the aisle, my husband's face was TO DIE FOR! His nostrils got all flaired up as he tried to contain the tears, letting a few slip by and softly fall down his face. Ever since that day, whenever we are at a wedding and he watches people take their vows before God, family, and friends, his nostrils do the same thing and he tries his hardest to contain the tears... If you know my husband, you know this is not a typical characteristic of his personality. So I am standing up in the front with my cousin and I look over at him only to see the nostrils are flairing, and he looks at me, smiles, and mouths "I love you." How sweet is he??? Everytime we are at a wedding, he thinks about our wedding day!!!
So, when I think about the last 2 weeks and the stress I am feeling right now, I am comforted by the fact that I have a wonderful family and a loving husband.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
I love Starbucks!
Saturday, March 17, 2007
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
SICK, SiCk, sick!!!
Sunday night, James and I went to see my friend Marie's new place that her and her fiancee' will be moving into. We got there, took a look around and then went out to get something to eat at the Mello Mushroom. I was feeling PERFECTLY fine! I got home and began to work on a baby shower invitation for my sister-in-law. I started coughing and wheezing and finally was able to go to sleep around 12am. When I woke up yesterday morning, I got dressed, packed my lunch and headed off to school. That lasted for maybe about 15 minutes. I felt so dizzy and weak that I had to leave...
At 5:00 I had an appointment at Urgent Care where the Dr. told me I caught the nasty flu. You are fine one minute, and BAM! you can hardly move. He also told me that I should not go to the work for the rest of the week... Yea right, we'll see how that goes...
James started his new job today and last night we couldn't even celebrate... He was too busy taking me to the Dr. and to pick up medicine, gatorade, and chicken noodle soup... What a wonderful man I married...
So now, I can't smell anything, my husband has to use a mask when talking to me, gloves when he brings me something and all I hear is the constant spray of Lysol to kill all the germs... (okay so it really isn't that dramatic) I guess it is better that it happened now because next week is Spring BREAK!
Saturday, March 3, 2007
Dr. Seuss Day 2007

My students and I celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday on March 2nd. It was a fun filled day with lots of reading, acting out books, and even eating green eggs & ham!